Advocacy For Senior Health Care: The Center has papers available on advocacy for health care. This is a way of making your own choices in the event of an emergency or death. Forms are available at the Center as well as copies needed.
Are you 65 or older and head of the household? Call Consumers at 1-800-477-5050 so you can qualify for shut off protection, no late payment charges and automatic eligibility for payment plans regardless of income.
Do Not Resusitate: This law is fairly new on the books and allows terminally ill to complete a do-not-resusitate medical form. They could also wear an optional bracelet. Ambulance crews would not resusitate if there is no pulse or breathing with one of these present. For more information call the Center.
If you suspect elder abuse or exploitation, please call 810.257.3422 Hotline. Senior Safety Tips Never give out personal information over the phone, including birth date, social security number and account numbers. Do not throw paperwork containing sensitive information in the trash, shred it. Never let strangers in the house to use the phone.
Are you or someone you know interested in getting a COVID-19 vaccine but can not get to a clinic site due to a medical condition? Genesee County residents aged 12 years and up in need of an in-home vaccination can register for an appointment through the health department.
Please visit the following website:
We have donated equipment available for you to borrow – Bath seats, canes, crutches, toilet seat raisers, walkers & wheelchairs. We ask for a $25.00 CASH deposit and you will receive your $25 back upon returning the items!
Hours: 10:00 am to 2:00 P.M. Only!
Heating Assistance: Michigan senior citizens, low income families, and unemployed residents can apply for assistance in paying utility bills. The Michigan Public Service Commission’s “Be Winter Wise” program provides winter utility shut off protection during the winter months. The Michigan Public Service Commission and the utility companies want to help customers. If you think you may need help paying utility bills call the Consumer’s Energy Co. to enroll in one or more of the “Be Winter Wise” programs.
The Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program is a service that can help you make health insurance decisions. MMAP’s mission is to educate, counsel and empower Medicare beneficiaries and those who serve them so that they can make informed health decisions. Call MMAP, Inc. 1.800.803.7174
Valley Choice Medicaid Waiver Program Click to view more Information on this program
The Genesee County Board of Commissioners are pleased to announce a new County-wide roof revitalization program made possible through a $1.7 million MSHDA MI Neighborhood grant. The program is being administered by the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission, in partnership with Genesee County Habitat for Humanity.
Homeowners that are interested in applying should visit or contact the hotline phone number at (810) 341-ROOF for further guidance.
The Davison-Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center has a vehicle (Not Handicap Accessible). We have a volunteer driver that takes seniors 60 years and older around the Davison Area for a fee of $4.00 each way. Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Senior Medical Liaison Transport Program services include:
The Department of Veterans Services is a networking center for all veteran organizations in the county. The staff answers any questions that the veteran or family member may have, and/or refers them to the proper agency for additional help. The staff also disseminates information to the veteran’s organization as it relates to upcoming events, legislative concerns, or issues we feel are important to the veteran. The Department of Veterans Services is unique in that they house three State Service Officers from Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, and Marine Corp. League. These counselors assist veterans and family members with their claims and filling out VA forms for service-connected and non-service-connected disabilities and pensions for veterans, spouses, widows, and dependent children. The Service Officers are also accredited to represent veterans in all VA matters.
Transportation for Veterans to and from the VA hospitals are referred to the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter #3 810.742.9220, or a veteran may apply for bus transportation through the Soldiers Relief Commission or the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund. For more information contact Department of Veteran Services, 1101 Beach St., Flint, MI 48502 810.257.3068 Monday thru Friday, 8 am – 11:45 am & 1 pm – 4:30 pm
Genesee County Department of Veterans Services has partnered with MTA Flint to offer 6 FREE rides a month to doctor’s appointments, pharmacy, grocery store, farmer’s market, and other destinations within Genesee County. Our Vets to Wellness program is available to veterans and their dependents. Also, they can take you to the Detroit, Saginaw, or Ann Arbor VA! They have the ability to transport those that have to be confined to a wheelchair! They just need 2-3 days in advance to schedule. For more information contact Department of Veteran Services, 1101 Beach St., Flint, MI 48502 810.257.3068 Monday thru Friday, 8 am – 11:45 am & 1 pm – 4:30 pm
The Soldiers Relief Commission was established to help indigent veterans and/or veterans in an emergency situation who have at least one day of wartime service. A staff member fills out the application form for the veteran and Soldiers Relief Commissioners determine their needs. Many times, when immediate help is needed, they are referred to other county agencies. The veterans may apply for financial assistance for food, rent, mortgage, taxes, utility bills, clothing, and many other necessities of life. The Soldiers Relief Committee meets the 1st & 3rd Thursday at 10:00 a.m.
The Veterans Burial Fund is a fund set up for veterans who have at least 90 days of wartime service. If the estate, real and personal, does not exceed $40,000 excluding the homestead, the family will receive $300 towards the burial expenses from Genesee County. The veteran must also have been a resident of Michigan for a period of six months before entering the service, or for a period of three years immediately preceding death.
The Michigan Veterans Trust Fund is a state fund set up for veterans who have at least 180 days of wartime service and have a short-term emergent situation. In most cases, veterans apply for food, utility bills, rent, mortgage, taxes, clothing, and other items deemed as an emergent need. The Trust Fund Committee meets on a monthly basis.
Food 4Vets The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, armed with $300,000 donation from its Michigan Veterans Trust Fund, has created Food4Vets to assist Michigan veterans and their families who are experiencing food insecurity. Through the program, $30,000 in “food only” cards or certificates will be available to each of Michigan’s 10 Prosperity Regions for distribution by the MVAA and Senior Veteran Community Engagement Officers (SVCEOs). The SVCEOs will enlist Buddy Coordinators and Veteran Navigators in their regions to reach veterans in need. There is a simple application process that includes name, address, and contact information; proof of military service and separation with anything but a dishonorable discharge; and an affirmed statement of need. The food need may be due to COVID-19, job loss or other circumstance beyond their control. Assistance is limited to $100 per veteran for the duration of the program. Thus far, Meijer is participating in the program, and MVAA is working with other food suppliers in hopes of bringing more aboard. Veterans can be directed to the point of contact in their regions by calling 1.800.642.4838 or contacting the SVCEOs for their county or region. REGION 6 – For veterans living in Genesee, Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac, Shiawassee, St. Clair and Tuscola Counties contact: Gary Putinsky, SVCEO 810.241.5991 or
Homeless veterans can get assistance with medical treatment, temporary shelter, housing, and employment. A representative from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is available at the Department of Veterans Services every other Friday from 9:00 to 11:45 am